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Handbags are often expensive, but some handbags are more expensive than others. If you think $1, 000 is a lot for a handbag than think again! Take a look at the 10 most expensive handbags ever sold.
Handbags in recent times they have emerged as more of fashion supplements than merely just a way to carry money and make up. The most popular handbags are the designer ones, but they are also very expensive. If you are not able to afford them, you can go for the discount handbags.Handbags have been a dominant force in the women accessory industry since the 19th century. One handbag manufacturer,, reached a market capitalization of $13 billion in 2007. Before the great migration of manufacturing out of the united states, the us census bureau (2002 economic census industry series report) estimated handbag manufacturing was a $300 million industry.Handbags have been a dominant force in the women accessory industry since the 19th century. One handbag manufacturer,, reached a market capitalization of $13 billion in 2007. Before the great migration of manufacturing out of the united states, the us census bureau (2002 economic census industry series report) estimated handbag manufacturing was a $300 million industry.
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